Saturday, October 31, 2009

Week 1

Well, the first week of the Chipotle Challenge was very successful. The daily pictures are not very flattering but I'm down 3.8 pounds! Although I don't encourage close examination of my face/profile/scale pictures, for a closer look you can see a larger version of the picture below at:

Some people are still a bit skeptical about my Challenge although I have more optimism than ever. The only hindrance I see is the fact that today is a chocolate filled Halloween. I'm expecting a bit of a weight loss lull early next week but progress should keep on rolling a few days in.

As for the menu, it's been quite diverse. Despite the difference in ingredients for each burrito, the pictures look quite identical so I've only shown a few below.

As a true accountant, I used a spreadsheet to compile some statistics. You may remember from my first post that I'm to consume no more than 1,994 calories & 66 grams of fat per day to be at my ideal weight. To sum up week 1, I averaged my daily calorie & fat intake and ended up consuming roughly 2/3 of my ideal requirements. Average of 1,345 calories & 41 grams of fat per day. Not too shabby! I did notice when I actually track this stuff it makes it kind of a competition with myself. Each day my burrito's gotta be less fatty than the last. After a week of eating Chipotle twice a day, the desire to eat one more burrito is not surprisingly still going strong. And I haven't clogged an artery yet so things are going well! We'll see what happens in week 2!

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